Ensuring that C4&IT investment management practices are developed and managed in
accordance with Federal laws and policy, national and international standards, Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and standards, applicable Department of Defense
policy and standards, and industry best practices.
Ensuring that C4&IT investment management practices are designed to support effective
deployment of systems to enable mission performance. Processes should be systematic and
repeatable and should ensure appropriate priorities drive investment decisions.
Ensuring C4&IT investment management processes are aligned with the overall Coast
Guard budget development process, including Agency Capital Plans and the Future Year
Homeland Security Plan.
Partnering with all Sponsors to plan, design, develop, deploy and maintain C4&IT systems
that maximize shared benefit across the enterprise.
Establishing the C4&IT Investment Review Board responsible for the review and
prioritization of C4&IT assets, and recommending allocation of C4&IT base budgets that
maximize the effectiveness of the C4&IT program.
b. Enterprise Steward. CG-6 provides enterprise-level stewardship of the policies and practices
associated with C4&IT investment management. The Enterprise Steward monitors the health,
effectiveness, and efficiency of C4&IT investment management and ensures organizational
compliance. The Enterprise Steward role has the following responsibilities:
Ensuring that C4&IT investment management standards are published and updated.
Proactively communicating, educating, and training Coast Guard personnel in the effective
execution of C4&IT investment management policies and practices.
Identifying, managing and incorporating changes to C4&IT investment management
c. Asset Manager. The Asset Manager is designated by CG-6 to guide, oversee, and monitor
C4&IT policies and practices for an assigned system. A C4&IT asset is a system, product (e.g.,
software, equipment, information, policy, practice), data, service, capability, or resource that is
available, managed, delivered, applied, supported or sustained on an enterprise scale by the CG-6
organization. The Asset Manager shall collaborate with the Sponsor's Representative, the
System Development Agent (SDA), and the System Support Agent (SSA) to ensure alignment
and compliance with Coast Guard investment management policies and practices. The Asset
Manager has the following C4&IT investment management responsibilities:
Managing and participating, as necessary, in the C4&IT investment management process
for a given C4&IT system and reporting on the performance of the overall C4&IT
investment management process in meeting its intended objectives.
Facilitating resolution of issues among the Sponsor's Representative, SDA, SSA, and other
programs during the C4&IT investment process.
Reviewing C4&IT investment submissions for accuracy and completeness and ensuring
estimates are realistic, adequate, and have considered all aspects of C4&IT policies and
Managing performance, development and support metrics and reporting progress.
Ensuring the C4&IT System Inventory is updated as a result of investment decisions.