(5) Provide follow-on training in the operation and maintenance of the 2M/MTR
equipment, and
(6) Identify and assist in the development of new diagnostic data for use in screening and
troubleshooting EAs.
d. Unit commanding officers shall:
(1) Ensure all suspected faulty EAs in equipment listed in enclosure (1), are screened
prior to returning them to the repair depot,
(2) Ensure at least one technician is formally trained in the operation and maintenance of
the MTR equipment,
(3) Ensure MTR stations and personnel remain certified in accordance with reference (c),
(4) Ensure at least one technician is formally trained in the operation and maintenance of
the 2M equipment,
(5) Ensure 2M stations and personnel remain certified in accordance with reference (c),
(6) Maintain piece parts allowances, consumable materials, and miscellaneous support
items, and
(7) Report all screening and repair actions via a tracking system to the database
administrator as discussed in paragraph 9 of this Instruction. Only MTR-related
maintenance actions should be reported this way. Other maintenance actions shall be
reported in accordance with references (d), (e), and (f).
e. Engineering and Weapons School, Training Center Yorktown shall:
(1) Provide MTR program training as directed by Headquarters training managers, and
(2) Provide 2M training as directed by Headquarters training managers.
considerations were examined in the development of this directive and have been determined
to be not applicable.
9. FORMS/REPORTS. The Module Test and Repair Tracking System (MTRTS) software
provides the ability to document, track, and generate reports of maintenance actions related
to the screening, fault isolation, and repair of EAs. Collection of this maintenance action
data will allow program managers to monitor component failure, adjust piece parts APL
provisioning, and measure the effectiveness of this maintenance program.