d. This program is not designed nor intended to replace any existing Coast Guard or Navy
Depot Repair programs which will continue to operate under separate charters and policy
directives. EAs that are Source, Maintenance, and Repair (SM&R) coded for repair at
the depot level will continue to be returned to the depot for repair. Explanation of
SM&R codes is contained in reference (a) and in each unit's Management Information
e. As funding is allocated, the program office will provide required equipment to outfit
approved units designated to maintain a 2M/MTR workcenter.
a. Progressive Level of Repair Hierarchy.
(1) All suspected faulty EAs for equipment listed in enclosure (1), shall be screened at
the organizational level MTR facility. Those found defective and not SM&R coded
for depot repair shall be repaired using the 2M tools and equipment. Certain
situations may warrant commanding officer's authorization to conduct organizational
level repair of depot level repair coded EAs.
(2) If the organizational level 2M/MTR facility is unable to repair the EA, or if screening
efforts are inconclusive, the EA will be sent to the local NESU, ESU, or ESD for
further screening and repair due to increased capabilities at these units.
(3) Cutters without 2M/MTR capabilities will send suspect EAs for equipment listed in
enclosure (1) directly to the NESU, ESU, or ESD for screening and repair when
(4) If the NESU, ESU, or ESD screening and/or repair efforts are inconclusive, the EA
will be returned to the depot (or discarded if the SM&R code indicates consumable)
and a new EA procured by the cutter/unit.
(5) Repaired EAs will be thoroughly operationally (power-on) tested, and if completely
functional, shall be returned to the host equipment or placed in shipboard stores. All
fully repaired EAs will be considered Condition "A" assets after a successful
operational test.
b. Exceptions.
(1) Cutters without onboard 2M/MTR capability and a local NESU, ESU, or ESD may
return EAs directly to the depot without screening.