COMDTINST M4610.5, requires the reporting of transportation-type discrepancies for
shipments received by Coast Guard activities when shipped by a commercial carrier and
for notifying the carrier of the discrepancy in shipment.
In order to ensure that monies due the Coast Guard are recovered from commercial
carriers who lose or damage freight, the Coast Guard Finance Center established a freight
claims section on 1 OCT 1996. The claims section is staffed by experienced claims
professionals and acts as the central point for all Coast Guard freight claims. For Coast
Guard claims, the OFA is the Claims Section, U.S. Coast Guard Finance Center. The
Chief, Claims Section, General Accounting Branch, Accounting Operations Division, U.S.
Coast Guard Finance Center, Chesapeake, Virginia, is the Freight Loss and Damage Claim
(FLDC) agent for the Coast Guard and has the final responsibility to determine liability
and measure of damages for recovery; initiate a claim against a carrier; conduct a
reinvestigation of facts concerning a loss or damage if required by carrier protests; settle a
carrier request for reconsideration; and determine the merits of a compromise offer. Also,
the Coast Guard FLDC Agent ensures collections are made promptly and credited to the
correct appropriation.
This instruction sets forth Coast Guard policy and procedures for the prompt and accurate
reporting of transportation-type discrepancies for claim action. This instruction
standardizes procedures for Coast Guard transportation discrepancy reporting for claim
action and supplement, and must be used in conjunction with, current editions of
COMDTINST M4610.5, Transportation of Freight.
The freight loss and damage claims (FLDC) system is a prescribed method for
determining the commercial carrier's responsibility, whether the carrier may or may not be
held liable for loss of or damage to property in shipment, and the measure of damage, as
well as initiating a Standard Form (SF) 362, U.S. Government Freight Loss/Damage
Claim. The system's success depends upon the prompt and accurate reporting of
transportation discrepancies in shipment by the transportation officer. The Transportation
Discrepancy Report (TDR) is the source document for claim action.