SEPRATS (T). This entitlement will be accounted for when the member
submits a travel voucher for the TAD travel to a travel office. There is no
entitlement to SEPRATS (T) at the temporary duty station since essential
messing is required.
the 30th day after the physical date of departure from the PDS under the
TAD order (Day #1 is the day after departure - COMDTINST M7220.29
(series), CG Pay Manual, Fig 4-4, rule 4). When a member is authorized
leave en route to the temporary duty station the 30 day clock still starts upon
the member's physical departure since the leave is taken after the member
departs in a travel status. If a member is authorized leave prior to departure
under TAD orders, then the 30 day clock does not begin until the actual
physical departure under the TAD orders since the leave is taken during the
normal assignment to a PDS (COMDTINST M7220.29 (series), CG Pay
Manual, Fig 4-4, rule 5).
PCS/TEMDU Orders to Class "A" School. PDS/TEMDU orders, TONO and
accounting information, are issued by Commandant (G-PRF).
Order Preparation Office Responsibility. Upon receipt of PCS/TEMDU
orders, the order preparation office shall:
Inform the member of the orders and counsel the member with
regards to the entitlement outlined in paragraph 4 of this instruction.
Prepare the Standard Travel Order for Military Personnel (CG-5131)
in accordance with the guidelines set forth in COMDTINST M1000.6
(series), Personnel Manual, Article 4-D-20. In addition to the
standard guidelines ensure block 3 indicates the class "A" school, city
and state, and TEMDUINS (temporary duty under instruction) in the
"NATURE OF DUTY" area, and reporting time/date, as applicable.
In block 4, check section a. "This order constitutes a permanent
change of station from (old PDS)" to "such unit assigned by
COMDT." Complete block 10 as per the member's election.
Prepare the Endorsement on Orders (CG-3312D) in accordance with
the guidelines set forth in COMDTINST M1080.7 (series),
PMIS/JUMPS Manual, Vol I, Section 3-C, and Vol II, Chap 4. This
order is 8C-PCS, 1.-DEPARTING FOR 2.-TEMDU, for 2.-
INSTRUCTION, endorsement number 1.