1 SEP 1988
PERMANENT Order. A permanent duty order or a permanent change of
station (PCS) order is an order under which a member terminates the
assignment at the old permanent duty station (PDS) and proceeds to a new
PDS. Sometimes a traveler must perform temporary duty (TD, TDY, or
TEMDU) between the old PDS and the new PDS. This is known as a
PCS/TEMDU order, since the primary order is permanent in nature and a
secondary order, within the realm of the permanent order, is issued to
perform temporary duty en route.
TEMPORARY Order. As used by the Coast Guard, temporary duty (TD,
TDY, or TEMDU) and temporary additional duty (TAD) orders are orders
under which the intent is for the traveler to return to his or her PDS upon
completion of the temporary duty. However, this does not mean that the
member must or will return to the PDS.
members with dependents will be issued this type of order to a class "A" school of
less than 20 weeks. A member departing under this order shall not normally be
authorized to return to the old PDS. However, in extraordinary circumstances a
request to return to the old PDS under PCS/TEMDU orders may be forwarded to
Commandant (G-PS-1) for consideration.
Member's Travel Entitlement. The member has the right to elect the mode of
transportation which will be used for travel to the temporary duty location
and from the temporary duty location to the new PDS (JFTR U5105).
Advance travel allowances may be paid for travel to the temporary duty
station upon receipt of the PCS/TEMDU orders, and from the temporary
duty station to the new PDS once the new PDS is identified.
Dependent Travel Entitlement. Those members with dependents, electing
the PCS/TEMDU option, will probably do so because their dependents
desire to leave the area of the old PDS while the member is in school. The
member is entitled to travel allowances on behalf of the dependents only
from the old PDS to the new PDS-- not via the temporary duty station (JFTR
U5203). Advance dependent travel allowances, this includes Dislocation
Allowance (DLA), may only be paid after the new PDS is identified.
Regardless of where, when, and how the dependents travel, reimbursement
will be limited to what it would have cost the Government had the
dependents traveled directly from the old PDS to the new PDS.
Household Goods (HHG) Entitlement. The member may place HHG into
nontemporary storage and/or may ship a portion thereof to the TEMDU
station (JFTR U5345-C.1). The member may ship HHG to the new PDS
from the old PDS or from nontemporary storage once the new PDS is
Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Shipment Entitlement. A member whose
old PDS is outside CONUS may have a POV shipped to CONUS (JFTR