Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) or Separate Rations (SEPRATS).
The entitlement to BAS or SEPRATS at the PDS terminates upon departure.
SEPRATS (T). This entitlement is only paid to enlisted members in a travel
status (COMDTINST M7220.29 (series), CG Pay Manual, Fig 3-4, rule 2).
The entitlement begins upon departure from the old PDS and terminates
upon arrival at a temporary duty station where essential messing is required
(i.e. - class "A" schools). The entitlement will begin again upon departure
from the temporary duty station.
departure from the old PDS (COMDTINST M7220.29 (series), CG Pay
Manual, Fig 4-4, rule 2).
TAD Entitlements. All members with dependents will be issued this type of order to
a class "A" school of less than 20 weeks. A member traveling under a TAD order
shall return to the old PDS prior to departing to the new PDS, as identified in the
PCS order issued by Commandant (G-PE-2) upon completion of training. A
member may request PCS/TEMDU orders, through the chain of command, when the
dependents do not reside with the member, or when the dependents do not wish to
remain at the old PDS while the member undergoes training. Refer to paragraphs
4.b and 4.b(2) of this instruction.
Member's Travel Entitlement. Order issuing authority normally directs the
mode of transportation a member will use for travel to the temporary duty
station, which will usually be Government procured air transportation paid
for with a Government Transportation Request (GTR). A member may
request and be authorized POC travel for the member's own convenience,
however, reimbursement of Mileage Allowance in Lieu of Transportation
(MALT) may not exceed the cost the Government would have incurred had a
GTR been issued (JFTR U3310-A). Advance MALT (not to exceed the cost
of a GTR) may be paid when PDC is authorized under this provision.
Dependent Travel Entitlement. The member is NOT ENTITLED to travel
allowances on behalf of the dependents under these TAD orders.
HHG Entitlement. The member may ship HHG to the temporary duty
station; however, the total weight may not exceed the temporary duty weight
allowance authorized (JFTR 4610).
BAS or SEPRATS. The entitlement to BAS or SEPRATS at the PDS
terminates upon departure.