Area and district commanders shall:
Ensure SOPs and/or OPLANs apply the ORM process and ORM concepts in coordinating
missions, in the course of normal reviews;
Integrate ORM process and supporting concepts into Afloat Training Group tactical cutter
training and readiness evaluations, and ensuring that training requirements specified in reference
(a) are included in readiness evaluation checklists;
Ensure all exercises and planning efforts address the ORM process; and
Incorporate ORM into unit readiness evaluations, e.g., SEOPS and Ready-for-Sea programs.
Section, activity, group, and unit commanders and marine safety offices shall:
Incorporate ORM concepts into daily operational, maintenance, and support activities, using
appropriate guidance provided by applicable program managers, e.g., daily preventive
maintenance and operating checklists for small boats and shipboard systems; pre-underway and
entering port checklists; port security waterfront and passenger terminal monitoring activities to