Encl (2) to COMDTINST 3010.22
1. Purpose: The CPS Exercise Format is used to submit a unit's "Concept of Exercises
(COEs)" reports. COEs will:
a. Identify scheduled exercises.
b. Identify estimated and actual exercise funding requirements.
2. Objective: The COE standard format allows for entering information that will assist
in managing and monitoring the CG Exercise Program.
3. Submission: COEs should be submitted in accordance with reference (e), the
Contingency Preparedness Planning Manual for Exercises. The required format is
described below.
4. Format: (See attached example of COE entry.)
a. USER ID: Created by user entering exercise data. User Id is required to gain
access to work not completed, for modification/editing.
b. EXERCISE NAME: The official name of the exercise.
c. SUBMITTING UNIT/OPFAC: This is the CG unit and Unit Operating Facility
Code, for the unit entering the COE. The OPFAC database in CPS will provide
this information.
d. EXERCISE TYPE: Select Type of Exercise to be conducted from the drop down
e. EXERCISE LOCATION: Enter the location where the exercise will take place.
f. STARTEX: Enter the date the exercise is scheduled to start.
g. ENDEX: Enter the date the exercise is scheduled to end.
h. DIRECTOR: Enter the Command/unit conducting the exercise.
i. SPONSOR: In most cases, the district office, or next higher authority from the
units conducting the exercise.
j. POC: Enter a Point of Contact for the COE.
k. POC PHONE NUMBER: Enter the telephone number of the POC.
l. ESTIMATED AFC-30, AFC-90 AND CERCLA: Enter the estimated cost of the
exercise in whole dollars.