Encl (1) to COMDTINST 3010.22
CPS Record; Contingency Plans Entry Format/Guidance
1. Purpose: The Contingency Plans format is used to capture CG Contingency Plans data.
2. Objective: The Contingency Plans standard format allows for entering information that will assist in
monitoring and managing the CG Contingency Plans Programs.
3. Submission: Data should be submitted in the following format:
4. Format: (See attached example of Contingency Plan entry.)
a. USER ID: Created by user entering the contingency plans information. User Id is required to
gain access to work not completed, for modification/editing.
b. PLAN LONG TITLE: Enter the long title of the Contingency Plan. Note, if title is classified, do
not enter title.
c. PLAN SHORT TITLE: Enter the short title of the Contingency Plan
d. PLAN CLASSIFICATION: Select level of classification from the drop down menu.
e. RESPONSIBLE UNIT/OPFAC: Enter the Operating Facility Code of the Command or unit.
Drop down menu appears after entering initial two numbers of an OPFAC. The OPFAC is
directly linked to a CG Command/Unit Name.
f. APPROVING AUTHORITY: Enter the Higher Command that reviews and approves the unit's
contingency plans i.e., PACAREA is the next higher chain of command for a Coast Guard
District Contingency Plan.
g. REFERENCE THE REQUIRED PLAN: Enter the specific reference document that required the
development of this Contingency Plan.
h. PLAN DATE: Enter the date the unit completed the plan and the command approved the plan.
For example; (12/08/02 or 08 Dec 02).
i. DATE APPROVED: Enter the date approved by next higher authority in the chain of command.
j. WEB ADDRESS (URL) OF EXISTING PLAN: Name of link to specific contingency plans.
This will link with contingency plans in the Coast Guard AREA commands.
k. CONTINGENCY THAT PLAN SUPPORTS: Enter the Coast Guard Contingency this Plan
supports. Contingencies are identified in the Contingency Preparedness Planning Manual, VOL
I, Planning Doctrine and Policy, COMDTINST M3010.11B (series), reference (b).
l. CONTINGENCY PLANNING CYCLE: Enter the Contingency Planning cycle depicting how
often the plan should be reviewed and updated.