29 JAN 1992
(3) Periods for which a member previously received separation pay, severance pay, or
readjustment pay may be counted to qualify and ensure the member meets the
minimum required years of active duty, but the periods can not be used in the
multiplier determining the amount of separation pay for a subsequent separation.
(4) Count all periods of active duty in a Regular or Reserve component, including all
periods of active duty for training performed.
(5) Do not include periods of absence without leave, confinement awaiting trial that
results in conviction, confinement while serving a court- martial sentence, or time lost
while not in the line of duty. Count time served to make good lost time.
Limitations on Eligibility for Separation Pay. Members separated under the following
circumstances are not eligible for separation pay:
(1) The member is separated from active duty at his or her own request. The following
examples shall be considered to be a separation at the member's own request:
(a) A member who declines training to qualify for a new skill or rating or who
refuses to obligate service for a PCS transfer as a precondition to reenlistment or
continuation on active duty.
(b) A member who requests separation as provided for in reference (c) or under
regulations established by the Commandant.
(c) A member who requests separation for hardship in accordance with reference (c).
(2) The member is separated from active duty during an initial term of enlistment or an
initial period of obligated service. The initial term of enlistment or initial period of
obligated service is the active service obligation that the member incurred upon initial
enlistment. This limitation also applies to a member who desires to reenlist or
continue at the conclusion of the initial term of enlistment or an initial period of
obligation and is denied by the Commandant.