Questions to clarify whether a government-sponsored
enterprise or private organization can be used to
support TAP programs should be directed to
Commandant (G-WKW-2).
Commands without Work-Life staffs. Each command
should coordinate its transition program through
commands with Work-Life staffs. TRM's may also use
all available resources to supplement program
delivery, such as reference material, internet, as
well as services provided by state/local agencies
and non-profit service organizations.
PROCEDURES. Delivery of the four categories of transition
benefits and services (identified in enclosures (2) and (3))
are to be accomplished as described below.
Preseparation Counseling. A command representative will
meet with all members separating, retiring or entering
the Disability Evaluation System (Initial Medical Board
Initiation), officers and enlisted, approximately 180
days before separation and not later than 15 days after
official notification of separation. As directed by
reference (a), preseparation counseling must occur at
least 90 days prior to separation. In all cases, the
command will be responsible for advising service
identifying preseparation subject areas in which they
desire additional assistance. Action items identified by
the member during preseparation counseling shall either
be addressed within the command or referred to the
appropriate outside agency or office in cooperation with
the servicing TRM. During preseparation counseling, the
command representative is also required to assist members
in the preparation of a transition plan (regional TRM may
assist) to enable them to achieve their educational,
training and employment objectives, and those of their
spouse, if applicable. Receipt of counseling (or the
offer of counseling should a member decline the
counseling), and preparation of the transition plan
must be documented using a DD Form 2648 (enclosure (8)).
The DD Form 2648 will be used for both officers and
enlisted. The command will ensure that the DD Form 2648
is properly completed and submitted for entry in
the member's permanent personal data record. TRM's are
available to assist commands in providing training on DD
Form 2648 or providing guidance on how it is to be used.
Employment Assistance.
ISC and HSC Work-Life staffs are designated
transition/assistance centers and will coordinate
and/or deliver employment services as identified