Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 1754.12
b. Strongly consider the FACRC opinions and recommend a final case status determination
to the command;
c. Discuss the proposed recommendations to the command with the Work-Life supervisor
before sending them to the command;
d. Strongly consider the FACRC opinions and determine a recommendation for service
plans in substantiated and "At Risk" cases to present to the command;
e. Substantiate cases which Child Protective Service (CPS) has substantiated. If there is
substantial disagreement with the CPS determination, the FPA shall work with CPS
verbally, in person and/or in writing to attempt resolution. If no resolution is reached,
refer the case to G-WPW-2 after engaging the assistance of the Work-Life chain of
f. Within 12 weeks of the initial incident "suspected" date, send a letter to the member's CO
or OINC with the FPA's recommendations and CG Form 5488, Child/Spouse Incident
Report, prepared for the CO's or OINC's signature. Send letters for group units via the
group commander;
g. Within 5 working days of receiving the signed 5488, send the member a letter via his or
her chain of command with the final case status determination and, if "substantiated", the
service plan:
h. Advise the ISC chain of command if a CO or OINC disregards an incident which the FPA
recommends should be substantiated; and
i. Request a final case decision from G-WPW as authorized by reference (a) and this
instruction, if necessary.