(2) Initiate and develop policy, procedures, processes, revisions and guidance concerning the
(3) Provide direct technical expertise to FASs regarding CGFAP policy, procedures, processes,
training and case management.
(4) Provide CGFAP policy clarification to ISC Commanding Officers, other Work-Life staff
members and field commands as requested.
(5) Represent the Coast Guard at Federal and National Family Advocacy Meetings.
(6) Exercise final review authority regarding all family advocacy case decisions.
(7) Respond to all appeals from members regarding substantiated final case status determinations.
(8) Provide input to the annual performance appraisals of the FASs to the Work-Life Supervisors
regarding training provided, use of sound professional judgment and best practice,
intervention and ongoing services plans, prevention initiatives and management of family
advocacy and high risk special needs cases.
(9) Provide annual professional training to FASs and Work-Life Supervisors on revisions
involving the CGFAP processes and procedures, new legislative initiatives, Coast Guard
trends and national research and trends.
(10) Track National, Federal and DoD family advocacy statistics and trends and assess impact with
regard to CGFAP policy, processes and procedures.
(11) Maintain statistical data on CGFAP cases, intervention practices and prevention initiatives.
(12) Provide reports and statistics regarding the CGFAP as directed by Commandant (CG-11) and
other Federal government agencies on a need to know basis.
(13) Conduct QIRs of all family advocacy and high risk special needs cases under the management
of the FASs every two years. If deficiencies are found, re-reviews shall be conducted every
four months until the deficiencies are completely corrected.
(14) Establish family advocacy training requirements for CO/XO/OINC/XPO annual conferences
conducted by the ISCs.
(15) Approve all service providers used by the FASs for assessments and intervention and approve
funding for these providers.
(16) Coordinate and provide support, assistance and guidance through the FASs to Coast Guard
personnel for all family violence cases.