Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16794.1
Block 14. Complete when applicable. For Auxiliarists normally not applicable.
Block 15. Use priority code 1, 2, or 3, as defined below:
Essential to mission accomplishment or program objectives, which, if training is
not provided, will suffer a major adverse impact.
Directly relates to mission accomplishment or program objectives and should
result in improved performance, but which, if training is not provided, will not
suffer significant adverse impact.
Indirectly relates to mission accomplishment or program objectives, such as to
enhance the overall ability of Coast Guard Auxiliary and Coast Guard personnel
to perform better in subsequent assignments.
Block 16. Complete as indicated, (e.g. AUX IT/IT(T) course in four days). List 4 days (from
duration section of index of schools)
Block 17. Complete choices as indicated. Desired class convening dates.
Block 18. List prerequisite qualification codes, if any. Auxiliarists should list current staff
officer positions held.
Block 19. Complete as indicated.
Block 20. Insert "length of Auxiliary Service" (years of service).
Block 21. Complete as indicated. Not applicable for Auxiliarists to fill in.
Block 22. This block should be used to provide any pertinent information affecting the training
request; for example, to describe course, where appropriate. If early notification
(greater than 4 to 6 weeks before convening) is essential, provide reason.
Auxiliarists must provide complete address for orders, additional phone numbers (if
applicable). Indicate physical impairment/handicapped needs which may require
special equipment or special dietary