the Coast Guard's training program is outlined in the Training and Education Manual,
COMDTINST M1500.10B. Since the object of short-term training is to fulfill unit needs
for skilled personnel, requests for training should normally be originated by the unit
commanding officer or flotilla commander.
PROCEDURES. Requests should be received by the action office at least twelve weeks prior
to the class convening date to allow for proper quota acquisition and order issuance. The
action office is listed in reference (d) on the Index of Schools section, block marked "Send
Training Request To". Individual Auxiliarists should prepare training requests as described
below. Personnel selected for courses listed in enclosure (2) and COMDTNOTE 1540 will be
issued orders four to six weeks prior to class convening date by the Training Quota Command
(TQC), Norfolk, VA. Typically, all Coast Guard "A" and "C" School orders are issued from
Selection Procedures: For courses listed in COMDNOTE 1540, quotas will be distributed
equitably based on indicated levels of training at each unit. For all solicited courses,
coordination with program/support managers, commanders of Integrated Systems
Commands, and/or Directors of Auxiliary is utilized to insure the limited quotas available
are allocated in the best interest of the Service.
Quota Information: Commandant (G-WTT-3) will schedule and control the distribution of
quotas for all Auxiliarists to Coast Guard resident and exportable training courses.
Funding Policy: Commandant (G-WTT-3) continues to fund all courses listed in
enclosure (1) to COMDTNOTE 1540, and any other appropriate training requested,
subject to the availability of funds.
Resident (Class "C") Course Information: Advanced courses are listed in enclosure (1) to
COMDTNOTE 1540. This information is available through the Coast Guard Home Page
on the Internet.
Disenrollments: The Commandant may disenroll any individual from a course of
instruction when that individual fails to maintain the academic standards required by the
institution or training center in which enrolled or fails to maintain those standards of
performance, conduct and appearance expected of Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel.