The Activity Report-Mission (CGAUX-26) replaces the Mission-Hour
Card (CG4947) used to report hours of activity on a particular mission.
The Activity Report-Mission lists multi-mission in Section I and
multi-member listings in Section III. However, only one type
of mission and the participating members for that mission are to be
reported for one calendar day. This entry does not mean a member
cannot participate in more than one mission or mission type per
day. Simply, each type of mission completed for that day is reported
on a separate Activity Report-Mission form.
The total number of hours per member on a mission, plus
preparation and travel time cannot exceed 24 hours in any
one-calendar day.
The activity reported on this form is entered into each member's
record. The numbers listed in Section III as Role/Lead are credited
toward the individual as well as the flotilla's objectives. All
entries entered as Role/Assist are credited to individual records
and are used to achieve individual goals or objectives.
When more than one member participates in a mission, only the Role/Lead
memeber should complete and sign the form. If additional space is
needed, a second CGAUX-26 should be submitted and attached to the first
one. If a second report is submitted, the Role/Lead member must not be
repeated on the second "or subsequent" report.
There are three categories to report the actual time required
to complete a mission on the Activity report-Mission. Round off
all time entries to whole hours.
a. MISSION TIME - The time spent on the actual mission.
(1) DAY-All mission hours are entered under this category,
except as those listed below.
(2) NIGHT-Only night, as defined by Air Operations Policy,
Air Operational hours are to be entered under this category.
b. PREPARATION TIME-The time taken to prepare for the mission.
c. TRAVEL TIME-The travel time required to get to the mission location
and, after completing the mission, the travel time to return home.
DATE-Enter the mission's actual date.
The date format to be entered is:
MM/DD/YY, April 29, 1996 as 04/29/96.
SECTION I-TYPE OF MISSION-Mark the appropriate box for the type of mission
being reported. Only ONE BOX may be checked for this entire section.
SAFETY PATROL-Time spent on an underway mission conducted under Coast
Guard orders with an Auxiliary Operational Facility and a qualified
Auxiliary Coxswain and Crewmember on board. (Either Auxiliary, Active
duty or Reserve).
02 REGATTA PATROL-Time spent on an underway mission for an organized
regatta conducted under Coast Guard orders with an Auxiliary Operational
Facility and a qualified Auxiliary Coxswain and Crewmember (either
Auxiliary, Active duty or reserve) on board.
03 CHART UPDATE PATROL-Time spent on an underway mission for the purpose of
verifying the accuracy and completeness of information published on
charts and related navigation publications conducted under Coast Guard
orders with an Operational Facility and a qualified Auxiliary Coxswain
and Crew member (either Auxiliary, Active duty or Reserve) on board.
04 PE OTHER THAN STATE/YOUTH-Hours spent as the head instructor for an
approved Public Education class, other than State and Youth Courses.
(See category 12, for State/Youth.)
04A Lead Instructor must be qualified and listed on Lead line if a guest
(non-Auxiliarist) instructor is used.