Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16122.2A
The AMVER Awards Program was inaugurated in 1971 to recognize those vessels which regularly
participate in the AMVER system. Extremely favorable response from the merchant shipping
industry around the world to the idea of annual AMVER awards has justified the continuance of the
Ships flying the various colored AMVER pennants are a constant reminder of that ship and
company's commitment to safety at sea. Prominent display of AMVER Certificates of Merit in
company boardrooms, corporate office reception areas and on the bulkhead of wardrooms or
bridges aboard ship attest to the prestige accorded these awards.
The AMVER Awards program serves the dual purpose of retaining ships already participating in
the program, by way of a tangible expression of appreciation; and assisting in the recruitment of
new ships.
The presentation of AMVER awards serves as an instrument of our nation's foreign policy. United
States embassies and consulates around the world use the occasion to arrange a ceremony or
reception to express the appreciation of the United States Government to government and industry
officials of a host nation for the voluntary participation of its ships in this humanitarian program.
Similarly, U.S. Coast Guard District Offices can use the occasion of an AMVER awards
presentation, either at the district headquarters, or in conjunction with a local maritime exhibition or
professional event to thank local shipowners for the support provided by their shipping companies.
Those vessels with at least 128 days on the AMVER plot in a calendar year are eligible for an
Vessels that have continuous participation in AMVER before and after a shipyard and/or lay
up period (not exceeding two years) may receive credit for these periods for the purpose of
satisfying requirements for consecutive multiple year awards, if the owner or master submits a
request to the AMVER Maritime Relations Office in New York within sixty days of the
inactive period.