data base; maintain statistics pertinent to participation in or use of the AMVER
System; and provide districts with daily vessel arrival data.
Area and District Commanders.
(1) Area and district commanders shall be responsible for planning, programming,
evaluating and
managing the operation and
use of
the AMVER System
within their
respective areas and for issuing implementing instructions. They shall also provide
technical support and representation as necessary to assist G-OPR in carrying out
AMVER responsibilities. Presentation of AMVER awards to shipping companies is
an example of support flag and other senior officers can provide.
(2) District commanders shall conduct a positive AMVER educational program and
provide communications support for AMVER under guidance of their respective
area commander. Area and district commanders shall recognize, by letter to
shipping companies, the contributions of ships responding to requests for assistance
generated via AMVER, and particularly in situations of electronic "false alarms".
District AMVER officers shall be designated to ensure this work is carried out.
They should be chosen from the staff where these responsibilities can be most
effectively carried out.
(3) District AMVER officers shall administer the AMVER System within the district,
and shall coordinate selected boardings for the education program, in accordance
with "Standard Operating Procedures for District AMVER Officers" provided by the
AMVER Maritime Relations Office. AMVER officers shall conduct this work in
cooperation with the National Weather Service Port Meteorological officer in their
area, and with the management of the shipping industry whenever possible. Close
ties must be maintained with the district public information officer and the RCC to
obtain publicity - especially that relating to successful SAR cases involving
AMVER - and ensuring the publicity is released to the media. Items of interest
should also be forwarded to AMR for the AMVER Bulletin.
(4) District public affairs offices shall notify the AMR in New York immediately upon
becoming aware of an