AMVER-assisted SAR case developing, in progress, or completed. AMR will assist
public affairs offices in arranging local coverage incorporating AMVER's role; assist
in arranging national press and media coverage; and in major cases, augment district
staffs with AMR public affairs specialists to coordinate coverage on-site. District
public affairs offices should assist in providing local press contacts, spokespersons,
facilities, photo coverage and logistical support. AMR can be contacted by:
(212) 668-7762/64
(212) 668-7684
Message Address:
24-Hour Page:
Dial 1-800-SKY-PAGE, Enter PIN 2291358, Press #, Enter
Telephone Number of District Point of Contact, Press#
(5) The Chief, Marine Safety Division (or equivalent) shall provide the district AMVER
officer with assistance in establishing and cultivating liaison with the top
management of the shipping industry to increase AMVER participation. Business
and social gatherings of the marine industry are excellent vehicles for this facet of
the AMVER educational program, and fine occasions to offer the services of an
AMVER speaker.
(6) RCC controllers shall be well versed in all aspects of the AMVER System,
particularly in the use of Surface Pictures (SURPICS). SURPICS should be used
whenever it appears they may assist in the resolution of an emergency. SURPICS
shall not be requested or used for law enforcement situations. Controllers must
ensure that the policy prescribed in paragraph 7 on release of AMVER information
is followed. Information on cases involving AMVER which might be suitable for an
AMVER Bulletin article should be coordinated with the district AMVER officer and
forwarded in a timely manner to the AMVER Bulletin Editor. All Coast Guard
Command Centers should include AMR (COGARD AMR NEW YORK NY) as an
info addressee on situation reports and message traffic involving AMVER-assisted
cases. This will enable AMR to coordinate appropriate press and media coverage,
and record the case for consideration for the International Rescue-at-Sea Award.
The contribution of time and action by voluntary participating vessels is the essence
of the AMVER System. Often, the success of RCC efforts depends on AMVER