Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal C3: Eliminate illegal encroachment of the 200 mile U.S. Exclusive
Economic Zone by foreign fishing vessels.
Target: Reduce illegal encroachment from the FY98 baseline of 218
encroachments to 202.
Analysis and Evaluation
205 of the 218 encroachments in 1998 were along Gulf of Mexico maritime border with
Mexico, where most encroachments are by small, fast Mexican fishing vessels called
lanchas. 1997 reflects a reduction in lanchas encroachments during increased Coast
Guard counterdrug pulse operations in the border area. 1998 is the first year we have
included Canadian fishing vessel incursions on the Great Lakes, which accounts for 9
encroachments. The other incursions were along the U.S. / Russia Maritime Boundary in
the Bering Sea and in the Exclusive Economic Zones around the Pacific Islands.
Surface Search Radar Replacement (AC&I); Long Range Search Aircraft Capability (AC&I);
HU-25 Aircraft Avionics Improvements (AC&I); HC- 130 Side Looking Airborne Radar (AC&I);
Comprehensive Law Enforcement (RDT&E): Provides more effective sensor and command and
control capability to better monitor the vast EEZ areas of concern.
Deepwater Capability Replacement Analysis (AC&I): Develop an integrated system of
surface, air, command and control, intelligence, and logistics systems to carry out
statutory mandates for EEZ enforcement in the deepwater area of responsibility to ensure
the increasing worldwide demand for fish products does not deplete our fisheries stocks.
Deepwater assets are critical to enforcing the sovereignty of our vast EEZ particularly
offshore Alaska and in the Western Pacific
Maritime Safety 43