Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Foreign Fishing Vessel Incursions
Why We Act
Our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) represents a significant source of renewable wealth
and is protected as part of U.S. sovereign territory. It provides a livelihood for
commercial fishers, a source of recreation for over 17 million Americans and a rich
supply of seafood for the American public. Commercial and recreational fisheries
annually contribute an estimated billion and billion respectively to the
economy. Many encroachments are committed by large foreign fishing vessels that are
capable of harvesting large quantities of fish in short periods of time, potentially
harming the sustainability of our fisheries stocks. We are the only agency with the
expertise and asset capability to deter and interdict violations 200 nautical miles
Key Factors
The U.S. has the largest EEZ in the world: 2.25 million square miles. This makes
comprehensive monitoring difficult. U.S. fisheries stocks within the EEZ are valuable to
foreign vessels that choose to illegally exploit them. Economic conditions of foreign
countries and the increasing world- wide demand for fish products as a critical source
of food may drive the number of encroachment attempts. An increasing number of foreign
fishing vessels, and an increasing world-wide demand for fisheries food products will
make protecting our sovereign EEZ more difficult.
The Coast Guard maintains a presence in the Exclusive Economic Zone to deter illegal
incursions by foreign fishing vessels and apprehend those vessels that do illegally
enter. Incursions include both illegal fishing and illegal transshipment of fish
products caught by domestic vessels. We seek to maintain the readiness to intercept 90%
of all known suspected violations. The area of greatest concern is Alaska and the
Pacific Northwest. In recent years, the Coast Guard has flown nearly-daily missions and
maintained a continuous deepwater cutter presence along the EEZ boundary during peak
fishing seasons to deter incursions by the huge Russian, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, and
Taiwan fleets operating along the line. Another area of concern is the resource-rich
U.S. EEZs in the Western Pacific, which encompass 3 million square miles. To safeguard
these areas, the Coast Guard maintains a presence using high endurance cutters and
aircraft. The Deepwater Capability project is critical to continuing this effective
The Coast Guard works closely with the National Marine Fisheries Service who establishes
fisheries management plans, and monitors foreign fishing vessels. The Coast Guard
provides input to the management plans and conducts at-sea enforcement of regulations.
42 Maritime Safety