Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal M3:
Maintain the navigation season in ice-bound areas of the Great
Target: Limit closures of designated critical waterways to 2 days
(average winter) and 8 days (severe winters.)
Analysis and Evaluation
Goal targets have been met in the past three years. 1996 was a severe winter; 1997 and
1998 were categorized as average winters: unseasonably warm temperatures resulted in
minimal ice. The Great Lakes icebreaking program will undergo a formal program
evaluation of the impact of Great Lakes icebreaking on the mobility of goods and the
extent that activities are meeting customer requirements. The evaluation will be
completed in FY2002.
MACKINAW Sustainment (OE): Provides for major maintenance to ensure continued operation
of the icebreaker MACKINAW until its retirement.
Seagoing Buoy Tender Replacement (AC&I): This new class of buoy tender will replace the
existing tender fleet. The new vessels should have a better icebreaking capability due
Mobility 33