Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal M3: Eliminate vessel collisions, allisions, and groundings.
FY99 Target: Reduce the number of vessel collisions, allisions, and
groundings by X% from the baseline.
Measure: Number of collisions, allisions, and groundings of freight and
tank ships over 500 gross tons.
Measurement Issues: This is a new measure designed to gauge how well the
Coast Guard prevents incidents detrimental to the efficient movement of
vessels in ports and waterways. A goal target will be set once the
historical data has been analyzed and a baseline has been established.
Possible future refinements may include normalizing data against the
number of vessel transits, excluding incidents not preventable by Coast
Guard activities, and quantifying the number of Coast Guard interventions
that prevented a dangerous incident from occurring. Data is obtained from
the Coast Guard Marine Safety Information System. Data is validated by
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Human error.
High maritime traffic volume.
Aid to navigation outage or out of position.
Poor channel markings.
Obstruction in waterway.
Lees than optimal bridge span placement or design.
Shoaling in channel.
Low visibility weather.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Coordinate with other agencies and industry groups such as the
Interagency Committee for Waterways Management to encourage joint
problem solving.
Partner with state governments, industry, and trade groups to improve
mariner knowledge and skills and reduce human error.
Continue to implement the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
for marine navigation.
Coordinate with bridge owners to ensure bridges present a minimal
impediment to navigation.
Develop bridge regulations that facilitate the movement of intermodal
Develop the annual Federal Radionavigation Plan for the effective
management of all federal radiaonavigation systems.
Use research and development to improve waterways management including
development of the Port Operations Information for Safety and Efficiency
(POISE) system that will improve transmission of key vessel traffic
New Strategies:
permits distress, safety, law enforcement interaction between the Coast
Guard and mariners.
Enhance port safety by establishing Vessel Traffic Services as part of
the Ports and Waterways Safety System (PAWSS).
Enhance data systems used in the analysis of causal factors.
Efficiency Strategies:
Replace the aging buoy tender fleet with new vessels, providing
essential navigation services with less resources by leveraging
technology. Buoy tenders maintain aid to navigation infrastructure
which minimizes accidents such as collisions and groundings.