Goal M1: Eliminate sources of delay to commercial mariners.
FY99 Target: Reduce identified sources of delay to commercial mariners by X% from FY96
Measure: Prioritized profile of waterway delay sources identified by commercial
Measurement Issues: Data to be developed. This is a revised measure based on a
customer interaction survey of
commercial mariners which identifies the most prevalent delays experienced, focuses
Coast Guard activities on
was successfully tested the
Houston-Galveston area.
Procedures for wider implementation of this concept are being
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
High maritime traffic volume.
Aid to navigation outage or out of position.
Depth of channel.
Shoaling in channel.
Vessels too large for channel.
Special operations.
Incidents which require Captain of the Port closure.
Severe weather.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Coordinate with other agencies and industry groups such as the
Interagency Committee for Waterways Management to encourage joint
problem solving.
Continue to implement the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
for marine navigation.
Coordinate with bridge owners to alter bridges that present an
impediment to navigation.
Develop bridge regulations that facilitate the movement of intermodal
Use research and development to improve waterways management, including
development of the computerized Waterways Evaluation Tool (WET), and a
set of key navigational requirements for user groups.
Develop the annual Federal Radionavigation Plan for the effective
management of all federal radiaonavigation systems.
Establish new and improved navigation marks to mark Corps of Engineers
improved waterways and areas in need of additional marking.
New Strategies:
permits distress, safety, law enforcement interaction between the Coast
Guard and mariners.
Enhance port safety by establishing Vessel Traffic Services as part of
the Ports and Waterways Safety System (PAWSS).
Pursue regulatory activity to improve the aids to navigation system by
consolidating and eliminating differences between the Uniform State
Waterway Marking System and the U.S. Aids to Navigation System.
Efficiency Strategies:
Replace the aging buoy tender fleet with new vessels, providing
essential navigation services with less resources by leveraging
Automate Local Notice to Mariner service to make the availability of
navigation information more efficient.