Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal P6: Eliminate losses of threatened or endangered species from fishing.
FY99 Target: Hold the loss rate of threatened or endangered species at or
below a 10% fatality rate.
Measure: Fatality rate for Kemp-Ridley turtle.
Measurement Issues: The fatality rate for Kemp-Ridley turtles is an
interim proxy measure for all endangered species. It was selected as a
starting point because data was available for performance analysis. Data
for this and other fatality rates will be further developed and aggregated
in order to present a comprehensive measure of endangered species. Data
in the measure is moderate.
Selected Program Standards/Customer Service Standards:
Respond to all known significant violations in progress.
Monitor high threat areas to detect 80% of all significant violations or
suspected violations.
Annually board 20% of the U.S. fishing fleet operating in high threat
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Illegal fishing of protected species.
Unintentional by-catch of protected species.
Environmental factors, and pollution causes fatalities.
Strategies to Achieve Targets:
Ongoing Strategies:
Enforce living marine resource regulations.
Develop enforcement plans in conjunction with the National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Use research and development to improve vessel detection capability.
This will facilitate monitoring and boarding of vessels and assist in
ensuring compliance.
New Strategies:
Acquire an additional cutter, and update sensors and equipment to
maintain an effective presence in fishery areas to deter regulation
Pursue regulatory activity regarding ballast water management practices
for ships, including ships claiming no ballast on board, that will help
protect native living marine resources from harm by invasive species.
Efficiency Strategies:
Partner with the National Marine Fisheries Service to pursue violations.
Work with the fisheries industry to develop efficient and effective ways
of management and enforcement.
Continue the Coast Guard's Deepwater project to award up to three
contracts to develop an integrated system of surface, air, command and
control, intelligence, and logistics systems to provide the functional
capability to carry out the Coast Guard's statutory mandates in the
deepwater area of responsibility. Concurrent with this effort, the
Administration will begin a Presidential Roles and Missions review of
future Coast Guard missions. The Coast Guard will avoid one-for-one
replacement of its existing assets, and achieve efficiencies by
capitalizing on better technology.