Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal P4: Eliminate the adverse impact of pollution incidents on the
marine environment.
FY99 Target: Achieve a pollution response rating of P3 for all Coast
Guard federal on-scene coordinators..
Measure: Percentage of Coast Guard federal on-scene coordinators that
meet a pollution readiness rating of P3.
Measurement Issues: This measure replaces the previous oil removal rate
measure contained in the FY98 performance plan. Attempts over the past 4
years to use oil removal rates as a measure of response effectiveness
presented significant validity problems. Spill removal data is susceptible
to bias in the form of underestimated spill sizes and inflated removal
amounts. Removal estimates are confounded by the dynamics of weathering.
The problems that make removal rates a poor performance management measure
have resulted in a reevaluation to develop a better indicator of pollution
response effectiveness and readiness. A rating system consisting of a
multi-factor matrix that calculates an overall preparedness value is being
developed and will be implemented during FY98. This system will be similar
to the DOD's Status of Readiness and Training System (SORTS). An
additional measure evaluating the effectiveness of federal response to
spills over 1000 gallons is also under development.
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Tank barges are major source of spills, accounting for approximately
40% of incidents, 5 of 7 major spills.
Tank ship accidents pose a threat of catastrophic pollution.
Response organization among federal, state, and industry stakeholders
must be unified.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Maintain a high level of response preparedness.
Employ the National Response System.
Continue international cooperative preparedness efforts.
Develop tools to assure better spill response.
Exercise agency ability to respond to a catastrophic spill (Spill of
National Significance.)
Use research and development to improve pollution response, including
developing predictive models for response equipment, and evaluation of
in-situ burning as a response tool.
New Strategies:
Enhance data systems to support analysis preparedness level.
Employ alternate response technology in addition to traditional
mechanical recovery.
New Resources that will Support Strategies:
Goal Contribution:
Marine Info for Safety & LE (MISLE)
External Factors:
Success in the removal of spilled oil is dependent on type of petroleum
product spilled, weather, sea conditions, local geography, and length of
time oil is in water.
Location dictates removal rate: shoreside spills have high removal
rates, offshore spills have lower rates.