Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal P2: Eliminate plastics and garbage discharged into the water from
maritime sources.
FY99 Target: Reduce the rate of plastics and garbage discharged into the
water from maritime sources by 20%, from the FY93 baseline of 101
items/mile shoreline to 81 items/mile shoreline.
Measure: Number of marine debris items recovered per mile of shoreline
Measurement Issues: Baseline is established by a regression curve
obtained from several years of data. Performance is measured against a
selected year on the curve which was the most current available when goal
was developed. 1997 number is a projection based on data through OCT. The
associated measure was changed from "pounds of debris" to "number of
marine debris items" for better measurement. Data on debris items
obtained from the Center for Marine Conservation, "National Coastal
Cleanup Results." A recent National Marine Fisheries Service study
corroborated CMC data trends. Confidence in the measure is moderate.
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Trash items from fishing vessels, cruise ships, cargo ships.
Galley waste.
Fishing net fragments.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Enforce MARPOL regulations.
Promote educational initiatives such as the Sea Partners program which
seeks to educate maritime users about the detrimental effects of
maritime pollution, and the laws prohibiting discharge of plastic into
the water.
Promote use of port disposal facilities.
Efficiency Strategies:
Develop risk and performance based standards to reduce garbage and
plastics discharge.
New Resources that will Support Strategies:
Goal Contribution:
External Factors:
Number of debris items is affected by land-based debris sources.
Economic factors affect regulation compliance by industry.
Other Related Government Programs: