ICW Developer Review Section: This section will generally be reviewed by an ICW developer.
In addition to the questions in this section, the ICW developer will also look at those questions the
SME was unable to answer.
Design Conventions
Video and Animation Conventions
121. Courseware that requires outside media (i.e., a
video clip from a CD-ROM) has a still frame that
identifies the media, file, and any other
information the student would need to access the
122. Videos, stills, animation, and other graphics
designed to portray equipment do so accurately.
____ ____ ____
123. Titles, captions, or highlights over motion video,
with the exception of learner control prompts, are
done with video post-production techniques, not
the ICW authoring system.
____ ____
124. "Fade to black" and "up from black" are used for
the end and beginning of linear video segments.
____ ____ ___
Navigation and Control Conventions
125. The courseware's navigation system is consistent,
intuitive, and conforms to the ICW Standards and
Style guide.
____ ____ ____
If no, why? _______________________________________
126. Navigation/interaction icons, buttons, and switches
consistently use color, shading, or other visual
cues to indicate position/mode.
____ ____ ____
127. Icons are located at the bottom of the student's
screen, are consistently placed, and are consistent
in their function.
____ ____ ____
128. Tool tips, balloon help, or other assistance
exists to define icon function.
____ ____ ____
Switches and Control Conventions
129. Switch/control text matches the real equipment as
closely as possible.
____ ____ ____
130. Switch/toggle names, positions, and identifiers
are legible.
____ ____ ____
General Conventions
131. Displays are lean and not overly complicated.
132. Where needed, text is used to emphasize the visuals.
133. Appropriate headings are used to clarify displays.
134. Text or icons are not (normally) stored on video/video stills.
135. Where possible, split-screens are used for
136. Changes between screens are limited to focus on
the changed element.
____ ____ ____
137. Screens are systematic, consistent, and logically organized.
____ ____ ____
138. Each screen presents one main point, idea,
concept, step, or action.
____ ____ ____
Appendix A