Course Structure (cont'd):
21. Does lesson provide demonstrations?
If yes to #21 answer questions 22-26
22. Demonstrations are optional.
____ ____
23. Demonstrations cover small increments of instruction.
____ ____
24. Small demonstrations are "linked" together or form logical
____ ____
25. Demonstrations require student interaction.
____ ____
26. The student can pause, repeat, or skip demonstrations.
____ ____
19. The simulation accurately and realistically mimics the
procedure/ equipment (e.g., steps aren't skipped, are realistic,
properly timed).
____ ____
20. It contains information not included in the technical data
(i.e., when/why to perform the procedure).
21. Simulations are directly tied to the enabling/terminal objectives.
22. The simulation is a mandatory lesson item.
23. The simulation enables the student to practice to proficiency .
24. Auto-prompted simulations are tailored to the student.
25. Sufficient interim summaries and transitional material is included.
26. Simulations are used to reinforce other learning activities.
27. Simulations are stand-alone activities and not tied to other l
earning activities.
____ ____
28. Simulations are used for testing purposes.
____ ____
29. The simulation incorporates appropriate feedback and remediation.
____ ____
30. Helps, hints, prompts are provided based on student activity/action.
____ ____
19. Practice provided until the student demonstrates required proficiency. ____
20. Simple repetition of the simulation is not used for practice.
21. Practice is directly tied/relevant to the enabling or terminal objectives. ____
22. Practice is timely/appropriate to the student's learning activity.
23. Practice questions and activities are sequenced from easy to difficult. ____
24. The program can branch the student to additional learning activities
based on practice results.
Appendix A