June 1 1998
(4) Area and district command center controllers shall attend either the unit-level
exportable training or the TCT Group Operations resident course.
(1) Qualified Auxiliary members serving in boat crew positions on Coast Guard boats and
same biennial TCT requirements as their active duty counterparts. Commands shall
include Auxiliarists working at their units in their request for biennial exportable
training through the district TCT administrator, which shall be part of a district-wide
training plan. Unit-level team training requires the attendance of senior supervisory
personnel (e.g., Auxiliary unit commanders) to advocate TCT principles and to
empower junior personnel to use them. Senior member attendance also permits open
communications between leaders amongst the "larger team" that assists in Coast
Guard mission prosecution and the "smaller team" members at the worker level. As
needed, based on periodic self-assessment or other examinations, Auxiliary
supervisory personnel may facilitate their own training to reinforce selected skills.
Training materials for this purpose have already been delivered to division captains
and are discussed in more detail in paragraph 7.d. below.
(2) Auxiliarists serving in coxswain, boat crew, and communications watchstander
positions on Auxiliary vessel and radio facilities, including Auxiliary unit vessels and
special purpose facilities, shall receive TCT as indicated below. This requirement may
be fulfilled by completing the eight-hour TCT curriculum approved for Auxiliary use,
which has been distributed to district TCT administrators for use by all TCT
facilitators, and has been officially incorporated into the standard TCT facilitator
package. Auxiliarists are encouraged to attend the eight-hour sessions specifically
designed for them, and should request this exportable training through the district
TCT administrator. However. documented attendance at either a 16-hour unit-level or
resident TCT course will satisfy the Auxiliary TCT requirement.
(a) Currently qualified coxswains and boat crew: Each year, attend a district
Auxiliary operations workshop that includes TCT review and discussion, when
such workshops are required by a district. Additionally, complete an eight-hour
exportable TCT course prior to 01 January 2003, and once every five years after
initial course.completion.
(b) Candidates for coxswain and boat crew qualification: Demonstrate to a
Qualification Examiner (QE) an understanding of TCT and risk management
principles and skills. It is also recommended that candidates attend an eight-hour
exportable TCT course.
(c) QEs: All QE's are encouraged to complete an eight-hour exportable TCT course
prior to 01 October 1998 so that they will be prepared to certify coxswain and