Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1520.2
PQM 203
Market Research and Commercial Item Descriptions
Market Research and Commercial Item Descriptions presents instruction on the preparation and review of
commercial item descriptions, including market research techniques to identify and characterize
commercial items, the development and use of market acceptability criteria, and the development of
performance-based salient characteristics. The course also provides current DoD policy on the use of
commercial items, market research, and performance-based specifications.
Prerequisites: None.
Length: 1 Class Day
PQM 301
Advanced Production and Quality Management
Advanced Production and Quality Management is structured around an integrated product development,
concurrent engineering acquisition philosophy prescribed in DoD Directive 5000.1 and DoD 5000.2-R.
The course investigates day-to-day strategic policy development and decision making issues relevant to
successfully managing three core technical tasks in DoD acquisition: systems and process development,
manufacturing, and product quality verification. It stresses strategic planning, the logical thinking
process, and an ability to identify and effectively work within policy, regulatory, technical, or physical
constraints to management effectiveness. Students are taught appropriate operational definitions and
quality measures. Significant portions of the course concentrate on the principal themes of: systems
engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance, with special attention to specific statistical tools and
techniques, software management, and the industrial base. Other major supplementary topics are:
acquisition policy review, contracts management and administration, contractor finance, funds
management, cost/schedule management, ethics, and professionalism. Prominent guest lecturers and panel
members, and executive leaders from Government and industry, present pertinent and timely examples or