Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1520.2
Executive Acquisition Logistics Management prepares the acquisition logistician to function in executive-
level logistics management and policy-making positions. The student will acquire an understanding of
the complex relationships between logistics support planning, acquisition policy, requirements
determination, program management, contracting, and Government funds management. The strengths
and weakness of the policies and decision making procedures in these areas will be explored as they
pertain to acquisition logistics. The course also assists the student to improve skills in finding logistics
solutions that will improve weapon system availability and reduce life cycle cost. It will aid the student in
becoming a valuable member of the program management team and ensure that logistics considerations
are integrated into the design process throughout the life cycle of the weapon system. The topic areas
covered in the course include Logistic Support Analysis (LSA), determination of logistics requirements,
program management, contracting for logistics, configuration and change management, test and
evaluation, budget planning, logistics for Foreign Military Sales and Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)
organization andprocedures. Evaluation, analysis, forecasting and decision making will be emphasized so
that the untimate design of the overall weapon system and its logistics support is sound from a business