Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12713.1
D. On-going communication is particularly important where the specific limitation,
problem, or barrier is unclear; where an effective accommodation is not obvious; or
where the parties are considering different possible reasonable accommodations. In
those cases where the disability, the need for accommodation, and the type of
accommodation, which should be provided, are clear, extensive discussions are not
necessary. Even so, the decision-maker and requesting individual should talk to each
other to make sure that there is a full exchange of relevant information.
E. The decision-maker, or any other Coast Guard official who receives information in
connection with a request for reasonable accommodation, may share information
connected with that request with other agency officials only when the agency
official(s) need to know the information in order to make determinations on a
reasonable accommodation request. (See Section 6 for specific rules governing the
confidentiality of medical information.)
F. There are specific considerations in the interactive process when responding to a
request for reassignment:
1. Reassignment will only be considered if no reasonable accommodations are
available to enable the individual to perform his or her current job, or if the only
effective accommodation would cause undue hardship;
2. In considering whether there are vacant positions available for reassignment,
the decision-maker will work with the appropriate servicing HR
Specialist/Command Staff Advisor, and the individual requesting the
accommodation to identify placement opportunities. Placement opportunities
a. Vacant Coast Guard civilian positions, for which the employee qualifies, that
officials have reason to believe will become vacant over the next 60 calendar
days, that are equivalent to the employee's current position in terms of pay,
grade, promotion potential, status, benefits, and geographical location.
b. Vacant lower-level Coast Guard civilian positions, in the local commuting
area, for which the employee qualifies, that officials have reason to believe
will become vacant over the next 60 calendar days, if no equivalent positions
are available that are within the same commuting area as the employee's
current position;
c. Vacant (equivalent or lower-level) Coast Guard civilian positions, for which
the employee qualifies, outside the employee's current commuting area. As
with other reassignments not required by management, the Coast Guard will
not pay for the employee's relocation cost.
d. In the case of multiple vacancies, while nothing prevents the Coast Guard
from offering several reassignment opportunities, the Coast Guard is only
obligated to offer one reassignment opportunity as a form of accommodation.
An employee must be qualified for the vacant position, with or without
reasonable accommodation. Reassignment as a form of reasonable
accommodation can only be offered to Coast Guard civilian employees and is
not available as an accommodation for job applicants.