COMDINST 12300.9
recognizes, and by this Instruction, establishes a process to submit requests for centrally funded
entry-level billets. In addition, this Instruction describes the hiring authorities that may be used to
recruit and attract talented candidates as well as current employees into a variety of occupations at
the entry-level.
6. POLICY. The Commandant allocates centrally funded billets for CEO program use. These
allocations reflect the Commandant's policy to support the effective use of entry-level hiring as a
mechanism for meeting future mission requirements with a skilled and diverse workforce. These
billets are treated as Coast Guard "corporate" assets and are administered by CG-121. Headquarters
program managers should review the needs of their specific program area from a Coast Guard-wide
perspective to
determine if a
centrally funded billet would be a
valuable tool for developing
candidates for placement in permanent positions as they become vacant. All costs, including
training and rotational assignments, are centrally funded. Each centrally funded billet is authorized
for a period of 2 to 3 years. These billets are not counted against the organization's Personnel
Allowance List (PAL). To ensure that this program is used for entry-level hiring, CEO billets must
be established at least two grade levels below the anticipated full performance level. Participants
will remain on a centrally funded billet, not to exceed 3 years, as long as they meet the requirements
of the CEO program. Movement into the organization's permanent billet ceiling is expected upon
successful completion of the program, e.g., obtaining full performance level (FPL), but not later than
3 years from hiring.
a. General. Allocation to specific program areas will be accomplished through a nomination and
evaluation process. Program managers must submit nominations. In each case, the servicing
Human Resources Specialist/Command Staff Advisor should be consulted before forwarding
nominations. Nominations will be submitted in response to specific solicitations put forth by
Commandant (CG-121), which will include a specific deadline for submission.
b. Nomination Format.
(1) Unless the criteria and circumstances for two or more billets are identical, each nomination
should be made for a single billet. When multiple billet requests are forwarded for
consideration, the requests should be submitted in priority order. Program managers will
review the needs of their specific program area from a Coast Guard-wide perspective to
determine if a CEO billet can be used to develop candidates for placement in future
permanent positions as they become vacant. Nominations from each program manager must
be consolidated to form a single submission and shall be made in the form of memoranda,
which contain the following:
(a) A statement, in terms understandable to a neutral observer, clearly justifying the need
for a billet that will be responsive to Coast Guard mission requirements, the need to
maintain a balanced workforce in which women, members of racial and ethnic
minority groups, and individuals with disabilities are appropriately represented in the
civilian workforce, and will represent an improved use of human resources within the
organization. This statement should generally be confined to one-half page in length;