Coast Guard in the performance of its missions while simultaneously receiving the training and
a. General. Requests from reservists volunteering for EAD will be submitted in accordance
with reference (a). Reservists will be considered to fill vacancies provided the following
requirements are met:
(1) The rating held by an applicant matches the rating for a position that the Coast Guard
Personnel Command (CGPC) has been unable to fill. Positions available for EAD are
determined by CGPC-epm based on the Open Rate List (ORL) or through a
determination of hard-to-fill ratings by COMDT (CG-12A). Filling a position with a
reservist who holds a rating other than the one specified requires approval of the
appropriate Rating Force Master Chief (RFMC).
(2) Applicants must be available for worldwide assignment in the duties of the position
they are filling, including sea and isolated duty, based on the needs of the Service.
Requests for EAD conditional on assignment to a specific unit will be considered in
light of Service need.
(3) Applicants must be willing to serve on EAD for a period of at least two years.
Applicants must specify the period, in whole years, in their request. Reservists who
initially desire to remain on active duty for a longer period may request to be
integrated. Reservists who complete an EAD contract and do not desire to integrate
may request an extension to their EAD contract.
(4) Applicants must meet the physical standards required for serving on active duty in the
Coast Guard as stated in references (b), (c), (d), and (e).
(5) CGPC-epm-1 is the approving authority for requests from reservists whose combined
active service, including any new EAD contract, will remain under 16 years.
Combined active service is the sum total of regular active duty, EAD, Active Duty for
Training (ADT), Active Duty Special Work in Support of Active Component (ADSW-
AC), Active Duty Special Work in Support of Reserve Component (ADSW-RC), and
reserve recall (mobilization) from all military services. Reservists who will
accumulate 16 or more years of combined active service shall not be offered an EAD
contract unless authorized in accordance with chapter 3.B.6.b. of reference (a).
b. Ratings.
(1) All petty officers and personnel with designators will be considered for an EAD
contract; however, only those in ratings that have shortages in the overall rating