Commandant (G-ENE-2B)
2100 2ND ST SW
United States Coast Guard
WASHINGTON, DC 20593-0001
7 OCT 1992
AN/UYK-7 Maintenance Assist Module (MAM) Kits
Afloat Supply Procedures Manual, COMDTINST M4400.17 (series)
PURPOSE. To update policy for the use and care of maintenance Assist Module (MAM)
Kits in support of AN/UYK-7 Computer Sets installed on Coast Guard cutters. This
of this instruction will include 378' WHECs, 270' WMECs, and certain NESUs.
DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. Commandant Instruction 8274.1 is cancelled.
DISCUSSION. Numerous suspect printed circuit cards in the AN/UYK-7 are disposed of in
accordance with the assigned Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SM&R) code, when,
in fact, they are not faulty. Cutter personnel have no means of verifying the condition of
suspect cards other than replacing them with new cards drawn from inventory. In most cases,
replacement cards drawn from inventory are not returned to stock when the suspect card
proves good. The new card is usually left in place and the suspect card is discarded. This is
not a cost effective way of correcting casualties. In an effort to reduce maintenance costs of
the AN/UYK-7, the In-Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) has developed MAM Kits to
facilitate organizational level troubleshooting of the computer.
POLICY. Only MAM Kits shall be used to troubleshoot problems with the AN/UYK-7
Computer. Use of storeroom parts for troubleshooting purposes is not authorized. One MAM
Kit has been issued at no cost to each cutter equipped with an AN/UYK-7 Computer.