Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 7400.1
When evaluating the need for a
reimbursable billet at
the unit level for category 1 user fee services
the Coast Guard may be reimbursed only for those incremental costs of collection which are
associated with collecting a particular fee. The following guidelines describe when a particular
billet is to be considered reimbursable:
Collection Clerks (Cashier: A collection clerk is defined as an individual, designated in writing,
Collect all user fees and process collections;
Count and total daily collections;
Properly secure collections; and
Prepare daily deposit slip and deposit, and maintain accurate records of daily user fee deposits.
All full time cashiers should be reimbursable. Alternates or individuals who perform primary
cashier duties only as a collateral duty will not normally be designated as reimbursable. The
exception to this occurs when a designated collection clerk billet is required to ensure proper
separation of duties and internal control over the collection process. In this case, the billet may be
reimbursed, since it would not be needed if not for the collection of fees.
User Fee Collection Technician: This position is defined as an individual who spends the
majority of his/her time actively pursuing and managing the collection of overdue user fees. If a
collection activity does not require a full-time receivables clerk, then the billet should be
reimbursable only if the position would be deleted in the event of termination of a particular fee.
Alternates will not normally be designated as reimbursable.
User Fee Accounting Technician: This position is defined as an individual who spends the
majority of his/her time actively processing and verifying user fee deposits made by collection
centers to commercial banks. This includes the day-to-day interaction with collection sites,
commercial banks (lock box contractors) and the internal staff at the FINCEN. Assigned duties
may also include interaction with the public regarding collection of user fees. These types of billets
should be reimbursable only if the position would be deleted in the event of termination of user fee
collections. Alternates will not normally be designated as reimbursable.
User Fee Mail Clerks: A mail clerk is defined as an individual, designated in writing, to open
daily mail and separate user fee collections from accompanying correspondence. These individuals
will not normally be considered reimbursable. The exception to this rule occurs when a collection
center, due to the nature of its business, requires one or more full-time mail clerks to process
incoming user fees.
All reimbursable billets must be funded by the fee(s) which their position
is associated with.