Enclosure (7) to COMDTINST 7310.1J
Rate Computation
When computing the standard rates for a canine team's services, the following charges should apply:
(1) Canine handler based on the standard rates for personnel, enclosure (2);
(2) The standard rate for vehicles, enclosure (5); and
(3) Parking and Toll fees.
For reimbursable agreements that involve 2 or more days, or travel outside the team's designated Law
Enforcement Ashore Operating Area, contact Commandant (G-RPL). The standard rates for this type of
request should include the following, if applicable:
Air Fare;
Vehicle rental;
Per Diem;
Kenneling fees;
Canine fees at the rate of .00 per day.
Rate Application
The rates should be applied for every full hour of use, and should include vehicle mileage to and from the
team's home base to the requesting authority's site. Kenneling, canine fees and per diem should be
charged for missions that required overnight stays outside the team's commuting area.
NOTE: When calculating "usage" charges, personnel off-duty time should not be included.