21 AUG 1991
(3) The acronyms "CGX" and "MWR" may be used as desired and when considered
appropriate in referring to individual unit exchange and morale, welfare, and
recreation operations, respectively.
(4) The term "non-appropriated fund" and the acronym "NAF" will continue to be used to
indicate, as applicable, funding type and employment status.
Members assigned or employees hired as heads of unit exchange or MWR operations will
be referred to as CGES Officers or CGMWR Officers, respectively.
The CGES logo as shown in enclosure (1), will be used with all exterior signing and other
exchange operation purposes for which it is appropriate. Specific guidance will be
provided separately to all units with exchanges by Commandant (G-PXM).
The CGMWR and combined CGES/CGMWR logos in enclosure (1) can be used by
commands as desired in conjunction with unit MWR programs. Camera-ready copies of
each logo are available from Commandant (G-CP-3).
The only direct operating relationship between CGES and CGMWR is that approximately
one-half of CGES profits is provided directly to CGMWR for funding morale programs
throughout the Coast Guard.
ACTION. Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics
commands, unit commanding officers, and chiefs of offices and special staff divisions in
Headquarters, and Commander, Coast Guard Activities Europe shall disseminate the
information in this Notice to all military and civilian personnel.
Chief, Office of Personnel
and Training
Encl: (1)
CGES and CGMWR Logos