21 AUG 1991
In 1987, under the Coast Guard realignment, district office oversight of unit exchange
activities was terminated. This necessitated an administrative reorganization under which
the exchange and morale programs were placed under the same Program Manager, further
tending to cloud the distinction between them.
For these reasons, the need exists to better identify each program by name.
DISCUSSION. The following changes:
Align the terminology for Coast Guard Exchange and Morale Programs with that used by
the Armed Services within the Department of Defense. This will enhance both intra- and
Emphasize that, although both exchange and morale programs rely upon non-appropriated
fund resources, they are separate and distinct entities for which financial and labor
resources are not to be commingled.
The organizational title "Non-Appropriated Fund Activities" and its acronym "NAFA,"
and the term "Special Services," are no longer to be used. All communications, and future
changes to existing directives in which these terms have been used, are to incorporate the
terminology established in paragraphs 4. a. (1) through 4. a. (4) below.
(1) The organizational title "Coast Guard Exchange System" and the acronym "CGES"
are established for use in referring to the Servicewide system of retail activities
delineated in reference (a).
(2) The organizational title "Coast Guard Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Program" and
the acronym "CGMWR" are established for use in referring to the Servicewide system
of facilities, activities, and programs outlined in reference (b).