Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 6510.1
Purpose. These DNA collection instructions are designed to give specific directions to
installations and sites on the collection, and shipment of DNA reference specimens. Questions
concerning collections procedures and supply orders or reorders can be directed to the DoD
DNA Specimen Repository at telephone 301-295-4379 or facsimile 301-295-4388.
Collection Supplies.
A DNA specimen collection kit consists of a bloodstain card, oral swab, oral swab vial,
fingerstick device, double shipping pouch, two desiccant packets, alcohol swabs, and a
pencil. In addition, packaged with the collection kit are self addressed mailing envelopes,
drying racks, fingerprint ink pads, and when requested 6" X 8" transfer pouches.
Collection supplies are also available individually packaged in case lot quantities for
collection ease.
All unique collection supplies used in collecting DNA reference specimens must either be
provided by the DoD DNA Specimen Repository or approved by the Repository before
use in the collection procedures. Specific requirements in fiber composition of the
bloodstain card and oral swab, along with preservatives in the oral swab vials preclude the
use of any substitutes except when directed by these instructions.
Collection Procedures.
DNA reference specimen collections that will be stored in the DoD DNA Specimen
Repository shall be made using specimen swabs from inside of the cheek, and an air-dried
bloodstain specimen. For personal safety, and to prevent contamination of the reference
specimen, collection personnel should wear clean unpowdered gloves at all times when
collecting and handling specimens.
Personal Data Collection: Bloodstain Card Data Information
The service member, deploying civilian or civilian contractor using a number 2
pencil, or ball point pen (no felt tip or fountain pens) shall complete all information
in the format requested on the bloodstain card, and carefully blacken the appropriate
mark sense blocks corresponding to the social security number (SSN) and branch of
military service. The Repository requests that letters and numbers be made as close
to the examples on the bloodstain card as possible. However, bloodstain cards
should not be discarded if the individual cannot make the alpha/numeric characters
as depicted. The rule should be if collection personnel can read and decipher the
individual's name, SSN, date of birth, collection date, and branch of military service,
then it can be assumed that the repository can do the same. If collection personnel
can not decipher the individual's writing, then the bloodstain card should be
discarded and completed again. It should be noted by collection personnel that the
DNA bloodstain card is a two part form. Each part is identical. Both parts shall be
completed and contain the same information.