22 OCT 1993
coordinators provides recipients with the skills necessary to carry out the duties of a unit
hazardous materials coordinator. This training is conducted on a periodic basis, and is
announced by Commandant notice.
Each employee shall receive information and training on the elements of the hazard
communication program. Personnel shall receive this training when first reporting to or
being hired at a unit, whenever there is a change in duties which will involve new hazards
and whenever new hazards become associated with the same duty. Refresher training
shall be provided annually. As a minimum, this information and training will cover:
An overview of the elements of the Coast Guard hazard communication program;
The location of the written program, hazardous materials inventory list and MSDSs;
work operations where material is used;
hazards presented;
safe work practices required;
protective measures to be taken;
emergency first aid procedures to be followed; and
interpretation of hazardous material labels.
The Federal Hazard Communication Training Program (DOD INST 6050.5-G-1) may be
used to provide unit hazard communication training. This multi-media presentation, as
well as additional guidance in developing a unit program, can be obtained from MLC (k).
Training, including an overview of subjects covered, shall be documented in the unit
training records and in individual USCG Training Records.
Marine Safety Commands.
Hazard communication requirements apply to all marine safety units.
Implementation requires a slightly different approach to avoid unnecessary work
load and to focus on high risk activities. Units shall identify specific high
hazard/high risk materials routinely