Enclosure (6) to COMDTINST 6220.9A
A. Recommended Surface Disinfectants.
1. Phenolic Compounds. In high concentrations, phenolics are protoplasmic poisons. In low
combined with a detergent. They do not damage treated surfaces. Disinfection can be achieved
after 10 - 20 minutes of contact.
2. Sodium Hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is thought to oxidize microbial enzymes and cell
wall components. A 1:10 dilution of 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite in water yields a solution
which can provide an intermediate level of disinfection in 10 minutes. Since sodium
hypochlorite solution tends to be unstable, a fresh solution must be prepared daily. It possesses a
strong odor and can be harmful to eyes, skin, clothing, upholstery and metals (especially
B. Chemical Disinfectants Not Recommended.
1. Alcohol. Alcohol is bactericidal against vegetative forms of bacteria through the denaturation of
cellular proteins. A 70 - 90 percent solution (diluted with water) is more effective than a more
concentrated solution. The disadvantages of alcohol use are (a) rapid evaporation, (b) lack of
sporicidal or viricidal activity, and (c) rapid inactivation by organic material. Alcohol alone
shall not be used for disinfection.
2. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. In the past, benzalkonium chlorides and other "quats"
have been used as disinfectants because they were thought to be safe, inexpensive and to have
low surface tension. Their biocidal activity results in a breakdown of the bacterial cell
membrane producing an altered cellular permeability. As a group, these compounds have
several serious deficiencies. Being positively charged, they are attracted not only to bacteria but
also to glass, cotton, and proteins. This decreases their biocidal activity. The negatively charged
ions of common cleaners, soaps, and other compounds will also neutralize "quats." Some
"quats" have been shown to support the growth of gram-negative organisms. They are
ineffective against most spore formers, the Hepatitis B virus and the Tubercle Bacillus.