f. New Tools. Recommendations for new technology tools and changes to the way existing tools
are used should be made to the Coast Guard Chief of Legal Assistance for consideration.
18. TRAINING. Legal assistance attorneys and paralegals should endeavor to remain current on the
law. In support of this, Commandant (G-LPD) and (G-L-6) shall include legal assistance training as
part of the legal program formal training plan. This training represents a "minimum." Command
Directors of Legal Assistance should seek local training on topics relevant to the delivery of legal
assistance services within their jurisdictions. Funding for courses contained within the legal
program's formal training plan will be provided by Commandant (G-LPD), who, in turn, receives
funded training quotas from Commandant (G-WTT). Other professional development opportunities
must be funded locally. A current list of legal assistance courses, which are contained in the legal
program's formal training plan, may be obtained from the JAG's training website. Suggestions for
additions to this list should be forwarded to Commandant (G-LPD).
19. FORMS AVAILABILITY. The Report of Potential Third Party Liability, CG-4899 is available in
USCG Electronic Forms on the Standard Workstation or on the Internet: