legal assistance program. Typical activities include:
(1) Informational briefings, seminars and discussions.
(2) Publications and newsletters.
(3) Videotapes.
(4) Directing the use of the Joint Services website as the sole internet reference.
c. Circuit-Riding Program. Command Directors of Legal Assistance will ensure, to the fullest
extent practicable, that the availability of legal assistance does not rest solely on proximity to a
legal office and will serve outlying units, particularly when the command employs a full time
legal assistance attorney. The effective delivery of legal services to all personnel requires the
regular scheduling of routine legal assistance visits and training at remote commands. Legal
assistance may be combined visits with those made to provide other on-scene legal support for
the command. Commanding Officers of dispersed units remote from legal assistance offices
will dedicate the resources necessary to reasonably support legal assistance services.
d. Legal Readiness. Commanding Officers are encouraged to seek legal assistance services for
their personnel. This should include adding legal assistance readiness checks to "check-in"
procedures to ensure members have the proper wills, powers of attorney, etc. before an
emergency arises. Command Directors of Legal Assistance will assist by providing legal
readiness checklists, information and legal assistance visits. In the event that a large unit is
standing up or deploying and requires more resources than can be provided locally, the on-
scene legal assistance attorney will contact Legal and Defense Services with sufficient lead
time to request additional support. If necessary, Legal and Defense Services may request
resources from other District or MLC staffs to form a "Legal Assistance Response Team."
This Response Team will travel to the unit and provide the services necessary to place the unit
in an operational status as it pertains to legal assistance. Commanding Officers will provide
personnel with duty time to seek legal assistance.
12. VOLUNTARY SERVICES. Title 10, Section 1588 of the United States Code authorizes the
acceptance of voluntary services in support of legal assistance programs. Several mechanisms exist to
accept voluntary services in support of the legal assistance program. Command Directors of Legal
Assistance are encouraged to consult with their servicing civilian personnel offices to determine what
intern and other volunteer programs may be available for administrative and other support. In
addition, the use of Coast Guard Auxiliary attorneys to support legal assistance efforts is authorized
and encouraged. Qualified members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary may be designated as legal
assistance attorneys and be placed under orders to provide legal assistance services to eligible
beneficiaries (see 14 U.S.C. 822).
13. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Legal assistance attorneys exercise independent
professional judgment on behalf of clients within the scope of the legal assistance program as
defined by this directive as well as Coast Guard Legal Professional Responsibility Program,
COMDTINST M5800.1 (series) and other policies promulgated by the Judge Advocate General.