Gift acceptance decisions must be in writing and personally signed by
Commandant (G-CV), Commandant (G-CFP) or the Superintendent.
Academy Needs Lists. Each year, the Superintendent shall approve an Academy
needs list. The needs list will identify items and projects that will enhance the
programs of or benefit the Academy. Although all Coast Guard personnel are
prohibited from soliciting gifts, if an Association makes a written or verbal offer to
provide gift support to the Academy, or if an Association asks for needs list
information, the Vice-Commandant and Superintendent, or their designees, are
authorized to respond to the Association by providing the needs list, or needs list
Association Gift Offers. The Associations may provide an annual, written,
omnibus gift offer to the Superintendent. Such annual gift offers may contain a list
of individual gift items that the Associations are prepared to donate to the
Academy. The Associations may also offer gifts throughout its gift-year to the
Academy that are separate from the gift items listed on Association's annual
omnibus gift offer.
Special Scrutiny of Certain Restricted Gifts. The Associations have agreed to provide
Commandant (G-CFP), or the Superintendent where appropriate, with the identity of any
donor that contributes more than ,000 to an Association in any one restricted gift
transaction or who donates a total of more than 0,000 to an Association for multiple
restricted gifts during an Association's gift year. Commandant (G-CFP), or the
Superintendent where appropriate, shall conduct a prohibited source review as discussed in
paragraph 6. f. prior to accepting a restricted gift that exceeds those thresholds. A
paragraph 6. f. review is not required, but can be applied at the acceptance authority's
discretion, if the restricted gift value thresholds are not exceeded. It is understood that an
Association may offer a gift item to the Coast Guard but may not be able to identify a
donor or donors at that time because the Association intends to solicit donations for the gift
item later during the gift year. In such cases, Commandant (G-CFP), or the Superintendent
where appropriate, may accept the Association gift item subject to later scrutiny of the
donor or donors as necessary.
Prohibited Source Review. Commandant (G-CV), Commandant (G-CFP) or the
Superintendent may accept a gift only after determining that it is in the Coast Guard's best
interest to do so. If the original donor is not a prohibited source the gift may be accepted
without special scrutiny described in this paragraph. If the donor is a prohibited source the
following must be considered prior to accepting the gift: the positive impact on the Coast
Guard in accepting the gift; the business or regulatory relationship between the prohibited
source donor and the Coast Guard; the nature and sensitivity of any matter pending
between the prohibited source donor and the Coast Guard; the likelihood of adverse
publicity should the gift be accepted; and whether a reasonable person, knowing all the
facts, would lose confidence in Coast Guard programs or operations by concluding that
there is an impropriety in accepting the gift. Whenever special scrutiny of a restricted gift
is required, Commandant (G-CV), Commandant (G-CFP), and the Superintendent must obtain and