Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5710.3
(submitted to obtain blanket clearance) and an abbreviated Action Memorandum may be
submitted with the draft text.
(a) Action Memorandum. DoS relies on the Coast Guard to provide background
information that will assist in its review of the proposed agreement and to help
discern the Coast Guard's intentions. Coast Guard program staff officers compose
the Action Memorandum, and the DoS CGLO transfers the text electronically to
DoS Action Memorandum letterhead (and titles it: Decision Memorandum). The
Action Memorandum should include the following sections, which may be
abbreviated when submitted pursuant to an existing blanket C-175 authorization:
i. Background and History: Describe briefly the steps that have led to proposing
the agreement, and provide a statement of the Coast Guard's goals and objectives
that explains the rationale for undertaking the agreement.
ii. Scope of Authorization: The Action Memorandum may request a) authority to
negotiate, b) authority to sign, or 3) authority to negotiate and sign. The Action
Memorandum must state that the Coast Guard will clear any substantive changes
in the draft text and future modifications or amendments to the agreement with
DoS L/T and other specified regional and/or functional DoS bureaus before
definitive agreement is reached.
iii.Benefits to the United States: Identify the range of policy, operational, technical,
informational, and other advantages to the United States under the proposed
iv. Funding: Indicate how the activities under the proposed agreement will be
funded. If the proposed agreement is not subject to the availability of
appropriated funds, a statement must be given describing the existing funding
sources to carry out U.S. obligations under the proposed agreement, including any
proposed activities. If there is an implicit or explicit commitment of current or
future agency resources for which there is no existing appropriation, the Coast
Guard must clear the agreement with the appropriate Resource Management
Office in the Office of Management and Budget (through OMB's State
Department Branch) to determine whether such a commitment can be made.
Commandant (G-LMI) will seek Commandant's (G-LGL) review of all funding
v. Environmental Impact: Reference (g) directs all USG agencies to consider
environmental implications of activities that they plan to implement outside the
territory of the U.S. If conclusion of the agreement would cause significant
adverse environmental impacts on a third country not participating in the
negotiation, then the Coast Guard must provide documentation under reference
(g). Otherwise, the following language must appear in the background document: