Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5710.3
enclosure (3).4 Commandant (G-CI) shall ensure review of the draft agreement by
appropriate headquarters program offices. Commandant (G-LMI) shall coordinate the
evaluation of the proposed undertaking to determine whether the initiation of the C-175
process will be necessary. Part of the headquarters legal review shall include a determination
of whether the Coast Guard desires the text to be legally binding under international law.
Commandant (G-LMI) shall consult with the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty
Affairs at DoS (L/T) to ascertain whether a proposed undertaking is legally binding or
constitutes an international agreement.
Likewise, Commandant (G-LMI) may request
assistance from L/T in drafting or revising a draft agreement.
(a) Undertaking is Not an International Agreement. If Commandant (G-LMI), in
consultation with DoS (L/T) determines that the undertaking is not an international
agreement, i.e., it is an informal, non-binding arrangement, Commandant (G-CI) may
provide final clearance for the requesting command or office to proceed with the
undertaking and conclude the arrangement without obtaining C-175 authorization.
Commandant (G-CI) may decide, however, to consult with the DoS country and
regional affairs desks of the appropriate regional bureau(s), and other policy offices,
bureaus, or federal agencies before providing final clearance.
(b) International Agreements. If Commandant (G-LMI), in consultation with DoS (L/T)
determines that the undertaking is an international agreement, Commandant (G-LMI)
will manage the interagency clearance process, coordinate the preparation of the
required C-175 package, and deliver it to the appropriate DoS Coast Guard Liaison
Officer (CGLO) for clearance.
i. Pre-existing C-175 Authorization. If the Coast Guard holds a pre-existing C-175
authorization for the proposed agreement, Commandant (G-LMI) will coordinate
submission of an abbreviated clearance package to DoS.
ii. Need for New C-175 Authorization. If the proposed agreement requires new
C-175 authorization, Commandant (G-LMI) will assist in and coordinate the
preparation of a C-175 authorization package.
3. Prepare a C-175 Package. For an international agreement, i.e., one intended to be legally
binding, the Coast Guard must submit a package to DoS or DoS CGLO comprising three
components: Action Memorandum, Memorandum of Law, and Draft Text.5 All required
documents should be submitted electronically to DoS. If the proposed agreement fits within
a pre-existing blanket C-175 authorization, then the original Memorandum of Law
Paragraph 8.b of reference (f) states "the legal authority for the agreement must be cited." Because DoS does not permit the
inclusion of a statement of authority within an international agreement and the legal authority will be included in a separate
memorandum of law, this requirement does not have to be complied with.
The Action Memorandum and the Memorandum of Law are addressed to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs and
are addressed from the Assistant Secretary of State having authority over the subject matter. For further information contact
Commandant (G-LMI) or the DoS CGLO through Commandant (G-CI).