Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5710.2A
and actions shall be reviewed and updated in an annual cycle leading to Commandant review.
Each action undertaken by an Area or operational Assistant Commandant supports an objective
which in turn supports one of the Plan's strategic goals. The actions are specific for the
current year and the following year, and, if possible, generally stated for out- years two
through five. Area and Assistant Commandant Plans may also include their over-arching
strategies aligned with the strategies in this Plan. In preparation for Commandant review, each
Area and Assistant Commandant updates their inputs for review at the spring IAG meeting.
The IAG review includes (1) identifying conflicts, (2) weighing options, and (3)
recommending revisions. The Director, International Affairs, using this information, develops
an annual International Engagement Plan for presentation to the Commandant after the IAG's
spring meeting.
Operational Resource Allocation Level. International engagement is, at times, a routine part
of normal operations rather than a dedicated resource commitment. Recognition of this by
planners at program, area, and district levels can ensure full use of resources. It is important
that a cyclic system of assessment, planning, and execution be employed. The IAG is a
repository of information on formal evaluation tools used to assess the opportunity against
resource availability, and criteria used for assessing the request relative to country need.
Front-line Engagement Level. Whether it is a training team, a high endurance cutter, or a
flag officer visit, the engagement resource should also conduct a cycle of assessment and
planning along with execution of the engagement. It is important that the situation be
assessed during the engagement, and that information on effectiveness and recommendations
be passed to the command allocating the resources.